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Clients Say
[Because of Shemä International] I have learned that Jesus fulfills His purpose in us when we patiently wait . . . trusting in His timing to take action. [I have learned to] see my circumstances from a different perspective, apply biblical principles to everyday life . . . and I now hear God in word pictures filled with color.
Amber Guillen
Through the wise spiritual guidance found in this ministry . . . I hear God's voice regularly; I can often . . . hear God speak into [my] thought[s]. I will always be grateful for the spiritual realizations from this incredible ministry.
Claire Ellis
During a particularly difficult relational time in my life, [Shemä International] helped me grow deeper in my faith. Ultimately, with deeper trust in God, I learned to not look to circumstances around me for my contentment. Now God is parting the "Red Sea" in my life.
J. W.
Shemä International gave me hope by equipping me with tools when all I could see was despair. This ministry helped me treat the root of my problems, not just the symptoms . . . always pointing back to Jesus, not to man’s wisdom.