Bridging my relationship with myself, others and God

Undivided Heart, Books One and Two is a twelve-step, two-volume workbook series that provides the tools to identify feelings connected with stressful events. These workbooks help individuals name and categorize the effect emotions have on a person’s well-being. They assist participants in working through events, feelings, and beliefs that keep a person stuck in behaviors that are detrimental to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Those who complete both workbooks develop stronger relationships with themselves, others and God.

Undivided Heart, Books One and Two are required workbooks for individual spiritual direction.

Diana’s spiritual development workbooks: Undivided Heart, Books One and Two are endorsed by Gerry Breshears, PhD, (theology), and Norm Thiesen, PhD, (psychology) of Western Seminary, Portland, OR.

Bridging my relationship with myself and God

Undivided Heart, Book One equips you to identify your personal struggles, values, and beliefs. This workbook guides you through past experiences and reveals the lies that influence your emotions and choices. It helps you discover the scriptural truths which free you from unhealthy thoughts and behaviors. By the end of this workbook, you will have the tools to live in love, joy, peace, and self-control; healing your relationship with yourself and with God.

I’m breaking down my personal barriers in God’s path for me . . . the integration of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual exercises revealed deficits in these four areas and then highlighted corrective actions for eliminating problem behaviors.

Bridging my relationship with others and God

Undivided Heart, Book Two equips you to create and maintain stronger relationships with others. This workbook reveals how to recognize team/group dynamics and become an emotionally and spiritually healthy person. In this book, you discover levels of communication and learn to overcome communication issues and offenses. By the end of this workbook, you will have the tools to work through conflict situations with confidence, leading to stronger and healthier relationships with others and God.

[Diana] has connected fundamental concepts like the Beatitudes (Matt 5:3-10) and the Fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23) into a most powerful assessment tool for discerning false emotions, spiritual bondages and mind-killing lies. . . The power of Undivided Heart comes in its healing tools to bring wholeness to the heart, mind, spirit and soul.

Hearts changed