What is my purpose?

“I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” Psalm 57:2
Plans Change
One thing we have all endured this past year is change.
We have been asked over and over again to change. Change the way we are doing things, change our routine; all while working with less outlets and resources to adjust to those changes.
We understand why change is needed but the how can feel very fuzzy.
Life has become complicated. For some this season has been stressful as responsibilities pile up, for others this season has meant grief, as so much has been taken away.
Our plans, visions, even our purpose has felt questioned; leaving us wondering: “Now what?”
Now What?
I asked women from a variety of backgrounds to share their answers to the questions: “Now what? When my plans keep changing, what can I do? What is my purpose?”
Over the next two months, they will share their stories, revealing how they are navigating unexpected change with a courageous heart of humility.
I hope you will see yourself in their stories, connect with their experiences, and gain new understanding about the power of the Lord to bring you through any circumstance. After reading these women’s stories, I am confident you will discover the answer to the question “now what?” for your own life. Let these stories prepare you to process the unexpected changes happening in your life with courage, humility, and clear purpose.
Eagle in Fight: The eagle signifies “new beginnings, resilience, and stamina for those who have been experiencing difficult passages in life.” Quote from Google
Eagle in Flight photo: complements of Natalie Bradford, copyrighted